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Getting a Covid-19 Vaccination Exemption Certificate

This year, governments around the world have been progressively imposing Covid-19 vaccination on their populations and foreign travelers. However, the early discovery and development of the vaccine can legitimately raise doubts about its long-term reliability.

Whether it is for medical or personal reasons, it is understandable that you may want to keep your freedom of choice and not get vaccinated. In this case, Juslaws & Consult can help you obtain a Covid-19 vaccination exemption certificate.

This medical certificate can be used for travel but also for administrative formalities abroad such as obtaining a visa, working, getting into public places...

The legalization of the medical certificate is a sine qua non condition for it to be valid and recognized abroad. In Thailand, the legalization is managed by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA) and only certain doctors are certified by the MFA to successfully obtain its legalization.

Juslaws & Consult can put you in touch with one of these doctors in Thailand and, once the medical certificate is obtained, we can take care of the legalization procedure with the MFA on your behalf. After legalization, you will be free to use your Covid-19 vaccination exemption certificate abroad.